The UUM Scholars Hub is an online platform that collects and disseminates the research and scholarly outputs created by the UUM community (staff and students). By showcasing the publications, research interests, activities and academic achievement of UUM's scholars, we are aims to increase the visibility of the University's research, academic staff networks and facilitate knowledge transfer.

This repository contains restricted access collections which are accessible only to the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Community and require user authentication to view the full text. The following item types are in this repository:

1. Research Reports :  Research Reports (Staff & Graduate Students)
2. Student Reports:  Student Reports (e.g. Final Year Project, Internship Reports)
3. Learning Objects: a collection of content items, practice items, and assessment items that are combined based on a single learning objective.
4. Scholarly Publications: Articles and Conference Papers published by UUM Community

Others info
Publications info
Most of the full text of publications is made available only for UUM Staff and Students.
Please contact our scholarHub Librarian regarding depositing policies and any questions about this repository:
Administrator: Administrator, +604-9283685,
How to use UUM ScholarHub
Instructions for creating Researcher Profile